Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Seamonstas don't die.

So there's this guy I know (And for my pacsc friends I realize the title gave it away) but he's really not everything everyone makes him out to be. And by saying that, I mean he's not half bad. People have told me he's a poser, or that he's just making himself seem better than he really is.
The truth though, is that this guy is amazingly sweet, and he's actually very quiet. And even though we're a ways apart, he'll do anything to make me smile. even if it means leaving me a message on my phone with nothing but sexual sounds in it, making me want to laugh my head off and kill him at the same time XD
Not to mention, we get along better than peanut butter and jelly. (Yes, you have permission to laugh) We can talk about almost anything and it won't be awkward. And even if it does, we know exactly what to say. *coughAWKWARDTURTLEcough* Getting to talk to him is pretty much the reason I get up in the morning. Just ask My father-in-law. He'll tell you. xD Heck. My mother-in-law might even tell you.
Yes I am married to this boy. NO it's not real. But. *coughIwishitwascough* Er. I mean. What?? Noooo. I did NOT say that. Pay no attention to that line. *hums a tune*
But honestly. I go out of my mind not being able to talk to him, and that's saying something. I don't talk to jerks or posers. It just annoys me. I can't stand it when people aren't who they really are. It irks me xD
So with that, my praising of this boy must come to an end. ^.^
Did I mention his name was Adam Bobic? Oh and he has the sexiest smile EVER. Kthnxbai.

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